


Q: What happens during the first dental visit?

A: The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry both recommend children to see a dentist by their first birthday or 6 months after the eruption of their first tooth. We believe by early education and prevention, dental caries can be prevented. Starting your child early will ensure a lifetime of a healthy smile.

During this visit the following will be discussed:

Health History of Child       Evaluation of Teeth, Oral Cavity, Head and Neck Exam

Eruption and Teething       Hygiene and Home Care

Diet and Nutrition                Proper Use of Fluoride

Oral Habits                            Growth and Development

Q: How often do I come back for check ups and cleaning?

A: The American Dental Association recommends that a child see a dentist every 6 months for routine cleaning and exam. Regular dental visits help your child stay cavity-free. Teeth cleanings remove debris that build up on the teeth, irritate the gums and cause decay. Fluoride treatments renew the fluoride content in the enamel, strengthening teeth and preventing cavities. Hygiene instructions improve your child’s brushing and flossing, leading to cleaner teeth and healthier gums. Proper x-rays will also detect decay between the teeth not visible in the mouth.

We also provide an ongoing assessment of changes in your child’s oral health. For example, your child may need additional fluoride, dietary changes, or sealants for ideal dental health. We may identify orthodontic problems and suggest treatment to guide the teeth as they emerge in the mouth.


515 South Dr #17, Mountain View, CA 94040

Phone: (650) 567-9000

Fax: (650) 567-9078

Office Hours

MON Closed

TUE - FRI 8:00 am - 5:30 pm

SAT - SUN Closed

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Fax: (650) 567-9000